Thursday, February 16, 2017

Unit 12 Notes and Study Links

Unit 12: Molecular Genetics and Technology CONCISE Notes 
1.       Deoxyribonucleic acid – DNA – genetic material that controls the production of proteins; a kind of nucleic acid
a.       Made of nucleotides, the building blocks of nucleic acids (see unit 5)
                                                               i.      Structure
1.       5-carbon sugar – deoxyribose – a simple sugar
2.       Phosphate group
                                         3.       Nitrogen base
a.       Two kinds
                                                                                                     i.      Purines – double rings
1.       Adenine
2.       Guanine
                                                                                                      ii.      Pyrimidines – single ring
1.       Thymine
2.       Cytosine
                                                             ii.      Double helix – twisted ladder shape - two strands that are twisted together – double-stranded
                                                            iii.      Backbone (sides of the ladder) - made of phosphate and sugar
                                                           iv.      Complimentary base pairs – Rungs of the ladder - two strands are bonded together between nitrogen bases by hydrogen bonds
1. Adenine only* bonds with Thymine (A-T) (this is different in RNA)
2.       Guanine only bonds with Cytosine (G-C)
        i. Chargaff's Rule - equal amounts of Adenine and Thymine, and equal amounts of Guanine and Cytosine
3.       The complementary bases are held together by weak hydrogen bonds (see unit 5)
4.       In any strand of DNA, there should be equal amounts of complementary base pairs – same amount of Adenine compare to Thymine…
                                                             v.      One chromosome is made of one long strand of DNA
1.       Gene – section of DNA that carried the information to make one protein
a.       Proteins determines the activities of the cell – very important!
2.       One chromosome may have more than 1,000 genes on it

b.      The order of the nucleotides is what determine the kind of allele which then determines an organisms traits
                                                               i.      A-T-T-G-A-C carries different information from a sequence of T-C-C-A-A-A.
c.       Discovered in 1953
                                                               i.      James Watson and Francis Crick - discovered the structure and shape (double helix) of DNA
                                                             ii.      Rosalind Franklin – discovered sugar and phosphate molecules make up backbone; DNA is made of two strands

2.       Central Dogma of Molecular Biology – Francis Crick
a.       The information contained in DNA is transferred to RNA, which is then transferred to proteins
b.      Once the information is in the form of a protein, it cannot be changed
c.       Three processes transfer the information stored in DNA: DNA replication, Transcription, Translation
                                                               i.      DNA ↓ → RNA → Proteins
1.       DNA can be copied = replication
2.       DNA information is stored in RNA = transcription
3.       RNA used to make proteins by ribosomes = translation

3.       DNA Replication – making a copy of the DNA (duplicating the chromosomes)  
a.       Occurs in the nucleus during the S stage of Interphase
b.      Process:
                                                               i.      The DNA unwinds
                                                             ii.      The enzyme DNA Helicase separates (unzips) the complimentary base pairs
                                                            iii.      Free DNA nucleotides in the nucleus bond to the base pairs of the unzipped DNA strands
                                                           iv.      The enzyme DNA Polymerase bonds the sugar and phosphate groups of the new sides of the DNA
                                                             v.      Two new molecules of DNA are formed, each consisting of one original side of the DNA and one new side of the DNA formed from the free nucleotides

4.       RNA – ribonucleic acid; a kind of nucleic acid (see unit 5)
a.       Structure
                                                               i.      Phosphate group
                                                             ii.      Made of ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose
                                                            iii.      Single-stranded instead of double-stranded
                                                           iv.      Guanine and Cytosine bond together (G-C)
                                                             v.      Adenine and Uracil bond together, instead of Adenine and Thymine (A-U)
b.      3 Types
                                                               i.      Messenger RNA (mRNA) – takes the information stored on DNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
                                                             ii.      Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – RNA that makes up ribosomes – assemble proteins from amino acids
                                                            iii.      Transfer RNA (tRNA) – transports amino acids in the cytoplasm to the ribosome to make proteins
5.       Transcription – copying the information for one gene found on DNA into a message stored on mRNA; occurs in the nucleus
a.       Similar to DNA Replication but only results in one single strand of RNA; Thymine in not present in the RNA
b.      DNA cannot leave the nucleus but the information it contains must reach the ribosomes so they can make proteins
c.       Transcription transcribes the Genetic Code (information needed to make a protein – the nucleotide sequence) onto mRNA
d.      Process:
                                                               i.      The DNA unwinds
                                                             ii.      An enzyme separates (unzips) the complimentary base pairs
                                                            iii.      Free RNA nucleotides in the nucleus bond to the base pairs of one gene on one side (the transcription unit) of the unzipped DNA strands
1.       if the DNA strand were AGC-TAA-CCG, then the RNA strand would be UCG-AUU-GGC
                                                           iv.      The new RNA strand breaks away from the DNA strand and leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm
                                                             v.      An enzyme zips up the DNA strand

6.       Translation – changing the message stored on mRNA into a protein; occurs in the cytoplasm at a ribosome
a.       Proteins are made of amino acids
                                                               i.      There are 20 different kinds of amino acids
                                                             ii.      The order of nitrogen bases in mRNA determine the order of the amino acids that make a protein
                                                            iii.      Codon – the three nitrogen bases of mRNA that make one amino acid
1.       Start codon – starts the production of a protein (AUG)
2.       Stop codon – stops the production of a protein (UAA)
                                                           iv.      Universal Genetic Code – all organisms use the same genetic code for amino acids and assembling proteins
b.      The message on mRNA must be translated into the language of proteins
c.       Process
                                                               i.      A ribosome (rRNA) attaches to the mRNA strand
                                                             ii.      The ribosome reads the sequence a codon (three bases) at a time, beginning with the start codon
                                                            iii.      tRNA carries carry amino acids to the ribosome. 
1.       Anticodon - three nucleotide sequence that will form base pairs with the codons of the mRNA. 
a.       Example – if the mRNA codon has the sequence AUC, then the tRNA anticodon would be UAG.
                                                           iv.      The ribosome attaches the amino acids brought from the tRNA in the order it received from the mRNA and a peptide bond forms between amino acids
                                                             v.      This repeats until it reaches the stop codon
                                                           vi.      A chain of amino acids called a polypeptide (protein) is complete and released into the cytoplasm

7.       Mutations – mistakes in DNA sequencing; some mistakes are small and are never noticed, some cause lots of problems; some may be beneficial
a.       Most occur during DNA replication; if mutated cell is gamete (meiosis), then the mutation may be inherited
b.      Chromosome Mutations – the chromosome or numbers of chromosomes change
                                                               i.      Deletion - when a piece of a chromosome breaks off
                                                             ii.      Duplication - when a broken piece reattaches to a sister chromatid and causes a duplication of genetic information in one chromatid.
                                                            iii.      Inversion - the broken parts reattach backwards.
                                                           iv.      Translocation - when the broken parts attach to a non-homologous chromosome.
                                                             v.      Nondisjunction – if, during meiosis, the homologous chromosomes do not separate, then one sex will have an extra chromosomes (trisomy) and another sex cell will be missing a chromosome (monosomy); fertilization of these sex cells results in trisomy or monosomy in the individual
1.       Karyotype - is a chart of chromosomes used to determine if there is an unusual number of chromosomes
a.       Amniocentesis – removing a small amount of amniotic fluid from around the fetus to obtain chromosomes for karyotyping
b.      Genetic counseling -

c.       Gene Mutations (Point Mutation) – one gene is changes, which causes a change in what protein is made
                                                               i.      Substitution - One nucleotide is substituted for another one.  – Changes one amino acid
1.       Ex – The Dog Bit The Cat
2.       The Dog Bit The Car
                                                             ii.      Deletion - One nucleotide is deleted from the strand.
1.       Ex – The Dog Bit The Cat. (delete a g)
2.       The Dob Itt Hec At
                                                            iii.      Insertion - One nucleotide is inserted into the strand.
1.       Ex – The Dog Bit The Cat. (add a g)
2.       The Dog Gbi Tth Eca t
                                                           iv.      Deletion and insertion mutations are also called Frameshift Mutations because after the mutation, all of the codons shift, dramatically changing the protein. – Many amino acids are changed.
                                                             v.      Mutagens – external agents that cause gene mutations; radiation and some kinds of chemicals
1.       Carcinogens – mutagens that cause cancer
a.       UV radiation, x-ray radiation, tobacco, asbestos, benzene

8.       Molecular Genetics – studying and making changes in DNA
a.       Genetic engineering – changing an organisms DNA
b.      Analyzing DNA
                                                               i.      DNA extraction – separating the DNA from the rest of the cell
1.       Process
a.       Cut the DNA into smaller pieces using restriction enzymes
b.      Gel electrophoresis – separate the pieces of DNA
                                                                                                                                       i.      Place the DNA fragments in a chamber filled with a special gel
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Electricity is applied to the chamber, and negatively charged DNA moves toward the positive end of the chamber
1.       Smaller fragments move faster than larger ones
2.       A pattern is created on the gel
                                                             ii.      DNA Fingerprinting – the separated DNA fragments are compared to another sample of DNA
1.       The pattern is unique to the person
2.       Can identify criminals or see if two people are related

c.       Recombinant DNA – combining DNA from one organism with another
                                                               i.      Transformation – placing the recombined DNA back into a living cell
1.       In medicine, human DNA is placed into bacteria
a.       Defective genes can be replaced by normal ones
                                                                                                                                       i.      Diseases caused by single genes, such as Huntington’s disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Sickle cell anemia, can be treated
b.      Insulin is made in this way
                                                             ii.      Process
1.       Restriction enzymes cut a gene from human DNA that makes insulin
2.       The human DNA is placed into the bacteria plasmid (bacteria DNA)
3.       The bacteria grow and reproduce with the human gene making insulin

d.      Transgenic Organisms – organisms that contain genes from other organisms
                                                               i.      Cows – extra genes that produce growth hormones cause the cows to grow larger and faster
                                                             ii.      Plants – make plants more resistant to disease and pests, so crops and be grown without chemicals and insecticides
                                                            iii.      Disadvantages
1.       Cross pollination with wild plants could produce plants that cannot be controlled with weed killers or that would be harmful to beneficial insects
2.       Effects of the extra growth hormones on humans is unknown
3.       Possible spread of the transformation genes used into the environment could cause bacteria to become antibiotic resistant
e.      Reproductive Cloning – making a copy of an organism
                                                               i.      Process
1.       Transferring DNA from a donor cell into an egg that has had its nucleus removed
2.       Chemicals or electricity cause the nucleus to enter mitosis and divide
3.       The egg is implanted into the uterus of a female
4.       The cloned organism develops and is born as if it was natural
                                                             ii.      The cloned organism is identical to the donor and can be used in medical research
                                                            iii.      Some scientists are working on ways to save endangered species

f.        Selective Breeding
                                                               i.      Using the plants or animals that have the desired traits as the parents for the next generation
                                                             ii.      Have been used for centuries 

9.       Reading Codon Charts
a.       A codon chart determines what amino acid will be brought to the ribosome by translating the mRNA codon
b.      tRNA has the anticodon and carries a specific amino acid
c.       Circle Codon Chart
                                                               i.      How to Read a Codon Chart
1.       Read the mRNA codon – eg. GUA
a.       You may have to convert the DNA sequence to the mRNA code
2.       Start in the middle of the chart – G
3.       Move to the next row – U
4.       Move to the outer row – A
5.       The Amino Acid associated with the codon GUA is Valine

d.      Square Codon Chart
                                                               i.      How to Read a Codon Chart
1.       Read the mRNA codon – eg. GUA
a.       You may have to convert the DNA sequence to the mRNA code
2.       In the first column, find G
3.       Move to middle columns and follow G to the U
4.       Read across from A in the third column to find the amino acid – Valine

10.   Interesting Human Genetic Mutations
a.       Tetrachromacy – found on X chromosome - increase in the range of colors the eye can see – most people have 3 cones to see colors, 12% of women have 4
b.      Marfan Syndrome – MFS1 gene mutation - abnormally tall and highly flexible; may develop weakened connective tissue; heart, eye, blood vessel problems
c.       Unbreakable bones – LRP5 gene mutation on chromosome 11 that increases bone density; also can’t swim and has bone growths in roof of mouth
d.      Super Pain Tolerance – MCR1 gene – produces red hair, and sometimes a high tolerance for pain and spicy foods
e.      Super Sleeplessness – DEC2 gene mutation – sleep far less than other people
f.        Distichiasis – two rows of eye lashes on each eye lid – Actress Elizabeth Taylor had this mutation

g.       Super Strength – mutation causes an increase in the size of muscles by suppressing a protein that limits muscle growth

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